Job Opportunities at Swim with Chloe

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Kia Ora 

Check out our upcoming Learn to Swim blocks avaliable in your area under SWIM SCHEDULES

Welcome to Swim with Chloe - BOOK HERE

I am a dedicated, professional swim teacher able to provide lessons for all ages from parents & toddlers, preschool, school age and adults. I am a mobile swim business and enjoy travelling to provide an opportunity for children to be able to learn to swim. 

SWC swimming lessons run in a block week format. Swimming lessons are up to 30 minutes in duration and run from Monday to Friday, with your child's lesson being at the same time for each of the five consecutive days.

Swim with Chloe offers a rage of interactive programmes to suit you and your family. The lessons are for children of all ages. (Please check ages for pre-school).

  • After school swimming lessons $80
  • Summer holiday programmes $80
  • Private lessons POA
  • Group lessons at home in your own pool POA
    *Additional fees may apply to some block weeks ~ Please check the Swim Schedules for confirmation

General enquiries about swimming lessons please email or call us.

Pre-school children's classes are for children age approx 2 years to 5 years of age

I run a fun and interactive programme for under fives. Parents are required to be in the pool with their child as the programme is all about building trust between yourself and your child. During your lessons an instructor will provide support and information to educate you, so you are able to continue with the water saftey and swimming practice with your child when you go home. 

I occasionally take babies from 18months (please email me to discuss this) but generally lessons run for children from 2 years of age. This is due to the pool temperature fluxuating and it being an outside venue in the middle of summer which can be a lot for the little ones. 

Pre school classes as split into 3 groups as children during the first 5 years of life are developing, changing and moving rapidly through both physical and mental milestones.

Please check the details on Swim Levels. This gives a break down of each of the swim level in order to know which level select when booking your child. Choosing the correct class is important for the lessons to be successful and the children to get the most from their lessons. Please add a description of their abilities into the additional comments box when booking if you need more clarification.

School age children 

All children are welcome to join SWC lessons. We do our very best to create groups and classes for everyone who enquiries. Children will be grouped based on different factors such as their age, experience, current abilities.  It is important to place children in the correct classes, to help me with this please see the swim levels assessment information. Using the description which best suits your childs currently abilities please enter their relevant level when completing the "Booking form".

Prices and payments

Prices start at $80 this includes the 5 day block School Holiday Programmes and 5 day block week After School Lessons. Private lessons and private group lessons are price on application, as prices will vary depending on your location and group size.

Included in the booking fees is a $20 per child non refundable deposit. Please pay this immediatley upon booking to secure your space in a class once your programme is listed and confirmed.

The remainder of your lesson fees can be paid at a later stage once your class timetables have been posted and before the block week commences. 

Payments MUST be made using your full SWC code.

Lessons are based on a first in first serve basis. If classes are full you will be able to be put on a waiting list and be given preference should there be others fail to pay the deposit and secure the space.

Swim Schedules and Timetables

Schedules for the up coming swim season will be posted on the website under Swim Schedules 

Once you have booked in your child's class time is and accessed through the Log in on the Swim Schedules page. Once logged in please check your Region to find the appropriate timetables and your class time which will collate to your SWC code.

Once classes timetables have been published a * Space avaliable  indicates if there are any remaining spaces left in classes. Please get in touch if you wish to view remaining avaliable spaces in upcoming programmes.

 Timetables are published no less than 10 days prior to the beginning of the swim block.


Making it work for you, your whanau and your community
I am all about building custom programme to suit the needs of our ever changing world and our changing lives and circumstances. Please dont hesite to call me to enquire about lessons in your own home, small private groups, working in a communtity pool or one on one help. 

Holiday programmes are held at school pools, but they are community events and everyone is welcome to attend.

I am passionate about making swimming avaliable to all children throughout New Zealand. If you don't see a swimming programme near you please contact me and let me know where I can help. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Children are welcome to wear wetsuits particularly if they feel the cold.

Swimming Caps for over 5's are compulsary. 

Trial goggles are now avaliable at the pool during lessons for your child to try before you buy. See the infomation under the Parents drop down menu goggles and caps.

If there are any last minute urgent changes to your swim programme the notifications will be posted on the relevant Swim Schedules page.


Payment Information

Thank-you to our Sponsors